R U OK?Day
Written By
Janice & Michelle
Janice & Michelle

R U OK? Day...
... gives us the chance to stop, think and consider our own feelings and those of others. It is an opportunity to reach out, say hello, offer a smile or kind gesture. It’s a day for us to remember that a simple conversation can make the difference in someone’s life. This thoughtfulness can go a long way in filling not only your own bucket but someone else’s too.
Our aspirations for our children include growing up strong and confident, while feeling comfortable in their own skin. Growing up strong might mean having a sense of emotional wellbeing, and social maturity, and it allows children to learn about and develop their own identity. Self-worth and self-esteem assists in building connections with others, in a space and time that allows for maintaining these relationships.
Recent times...
... have seen the addition of stress as our world adapts and changes due to the introduction of the Covid-19 virus. The isolation felt by families and communities has affected babies, toddlers and children of all ages both directly and indirectly, as they learn to navigate these new waters.
The Early Childhood Education and Care sector certainly felt the impact first hand during the initial wave of the pandemic. Early Childhood Teachers and Educators took on additional supporting roles for families who struggled as life changed before their eyes, often on a minute by minute basis. Teachers and Educators rose to the occasion, selflessly putting others first and doing their best to offer consistency, bring joy and happiness through the fun learning experiences that ensured that the children in care continued to develop and achieve their milestones.
With the continuation of the effects of Covid-19 virus still being felt throughout the Early Years sector, it is important to take a moment to just be, consider the challenges that have been overcome, the support that has been offered and the changes that have allowed families, communities and children to find their new norm.
Stop, Think and Wonder...
It’s important for children to learn about and be validated for their feelings. We as adults also need to have an understanding of and be validated for our thoughts, ideas and feelings. Are there ways to learn about and validate our feelings and the feelings of others’ as an embedded daily practice?
There is a difference between hearing and listening. Listening involves being present, mindful, and attentive. How often do you find your mind wandering whilst a child is talking and what strategies can you use to ensure you stay present and focused?
Feeling ok may mean something different depending on who you ask. How can you find out if someone is feeling ok?
Take some time to visit the R U OK?Day website for more information and tips on asking RUOK?
Get in touch
Email: admin@janicerocca.com
0499 445 565 Janice
0412 083 015 Michelle -